Women & Forest Rights

In Journey WGWLO sees Women and Forest Rights as a part of the larger gamut of women’s land rights issue. Women play a crucial role in the conservation and management of forest resources. Women’s right to forest land is important for the enhancing their social and economic status and their empowerment. The ‘rights’ agenda in the Forest Rights Act is reflected in the demand for participation of forest dependent people especially women in the political decision making process. It has enabling provisions for participation of women in institutions and decision making bodies set up under the law. The act has created a legal space to recognize the rights of women over forest land through the provision of land title in joint names and independent title to single women and women headed households. Since Dec. 2018 Decision take up application of ownership of forest land being tilled by tribal women under Forest Rights Act, also community forest land under provision of the same Act. A total of  9 member organization started working on implementation of FRA in 9 districts. 8 SBKs have been established by them in the respective blocks (talukas).

Total 7484 Individual & community have been claimed till March 2021 out of which 4519 are pending/rejected.